Well, it is already apparent that I bit off more than I can chew for April. I will still see how much I can accomplish in the time that is remaining though. The largest development is that I switched out Mass Effect 2 for Final Fantasy XIII. Every time I considered playing ME2 I just didn't feel at all motivated to do anything, so I figured it was best to set it aside for a while and go back to a game that has been on the back burner. The fact that I have XIII-2 waiting in the wings also made me want to go back and finish XIII.
I have also found a system that seems to prevent or at least prolong burnout on long games, and that is to have two or three of them going at the same time and rotate so I am not playing the same game two or more days in a row. At the moment, the three games on this rotation are Xenoblade, Final Fantasy XIII and Avadon, though Avadon hasn't been touched in a week. (Should change today!).
Another change I made is in how I handle cookie games. My original idea was to have a Beat cookie and a Starter Cookie, but I decided to change that. Instead, I will only have one cookie game going at any given time. The type of cookie will be chosen when I go to open one. For the first cookie on this new system, I chose to do a handheld cookie where it only considered unbeaten games on one of my handheld systems since I didn't have any handheld's on my now playing.
And now for a general update on the games in my now playing.
Advance Wars: Dual Strike: This is my handheld cookie game. I haven't done much with it since opening the cookie besides figuring out where I left off. When I started it, I had two save files. One was on the level select screen with mission 15 as the next mission and the other was in the middle of a battle. I finished the battle and found that it was in level 9. I then saved over the first save and thus will be picking up with mission 10. I also fooled around with the combat mode a bit. Need to figure out how long that mode actually is.
Avadon: The Black Fortress: I haven't touched this in over a week. The last time I played, I finished the Beraza Pit and then got my next assignment, which is to go deal with a wizard tower in Khemeria.
Capsized: Haven't played this one much either in the past few days. I poked around in level four, but didn't finish it.
Final Fantasy XIII: Just got back into this the other day and finished Chapter 9. Next session I will start and maybe even finish Chapter 10, depending on how long it is. Not sure what side tracked me from this in the first place, but it feels good to be back.
Hard Reset: Started and got partway through level 2. I've been dying a lot on this level and from what I read there are 7 more after it. This will be interesting. Hopefully I will get better and be able to finish this soon so I can move onto other new bundle games from this year.
SSX: This is beat, but I am still keeping it in now playing as I am still having fun with it and working towards complete/platinum. I have most of the online required badges, including the 50,000 person global event and the badges involving beating rivals and defending against rivals, so it should really be up to me now.
Xenoblade Chronicles: This game has been a blast so far. From what I have seen, it is either 60 hours if you don't do side quests or ~120 hours if you do them all. I am seem to be heading towards the 120 hour side, which doesn't bother me at all. Lately I have been cleaning up side quests and exploring the Satorl Marsh. I have also just begun the rebuilding of Colony 6. Next session I will need to put together a shopping list of what I need for the first set of upgrades.
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