I am joining a challenge that Alienjesus is doing where I pick 10 classics that are in my collection that I have not yet beat and beat them over the course of the summer. For me, the summer is from now till the official end of summer on Sept. 21. Further more, I will challenge myself to write about each game I play for the challenge when I finish it.
The games I will play in no particular order:
1). Final Fantasy VI. I really had the pick of the series here as I haven't finished any of them I thru IX. I could have done IV, but I figured that is cheating since I am close to the end on it when I got frustrated with the difficulty jump. Also, VI is widely praised and has beautiful pixel art. This should be a joy.
2). Metroid Prime. I started this when the Metroid Prime Trilogy was released, but I think I will just restart this for the challenge.
3). Super Mario Brothers 3. While I haven't beaten 1, 2, Lost Levels or World, I chose this one since it really introduced the overworld idea used in pretty much every Mario game since. I will be playing the All-Stars Wii version of the game.
4). Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D. I had a choice of multiple Zelda's and multiple versions of this game, but I chose to play the portable one since I won't be limited to playing while home. I think the reputation of this game has been keeping me from it mostly.
5). ICO. The collection that this came in was one of my reasons for choosing a PS3 over 360 and I have yet to play it or Shadows of the Colossus. Its about time I play one of my reasons for getting the system, no?
6). Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. While I haven't played any of the Metal Gear games, this is the first one in terms of story time line and that is the order I am going to play them.
7). Broken Sword: Shadows of the Templars. I needed a point and click in here some where and this fits the bill of being classic. I hope I enjoy this series as much as I do the Telltale games and Aminita Design's.
8). Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones. This one may not be a classic, but the first game in the trilogy is and I have already beaten the first two in the trilogy, so I might as well finish it.
9). Super Mario RPG: The Legend of the Seven Stars. While I wanted to stick to one RPG for this challenge, I don't think this will be overly long and I've seen enough differing views on it to want to see for myself.
10). XIII. This is more of a cult classic FPS. I like the art style... Will have to see about the game itself.